Update May 16, 2023
Well, we are still here! It appears KPMG is no longer involved in providing input for the future of Twin Pines and for the past few years there has been little movement as to redeveloping the Park. As a great many of the Park residents are either seniors, (or soon-to-be seniors), many on fixed incomes, the prospect of losing their homes and trying to find rental accommodation, where a one-bedroom apartment can run upwards of $2,300/month, is traumatizing!! Hopefully Peel Living is considering what the impact of demolishing our homes will have on this vulnerable segment of the population and will re-consider. We will keep you updated.
Update March 7, 2017
On February 16, 2017 the Peel Living Board of Directors endorsed the Total Public Value Framework (vision), which will guide the decision making for the ultimate plan for the future Twin Pines site. KPMG has stated this TPV Framework was developed based on work from the 2012 Charrettes held by IwB, the 2015 Housing Needs and Financial Impact Assessment carried out by planningAlliance and current research and consultation with Twin Pines’ residents, neighbours, City of Mississauga and local businesses.
The new Redevelopment Project Timeline which we have been given is as follows:
Mid 2017 (June) – the business case & project approach selection will be presented to the Peel Living Board of Directors for approval
Late 2018 – Implementation Plan – which may include the selection of a developer partner, detailed site plan, implementation schedule and details for existing residents
2018 – 2019 onward – detailed plan to be announced, construction to start
It should be noted that only residents who are tenants of Twin Pines on or before January 6, 2018 will be offered the priority option to remain in the future community. Those who purchase in the Park after that date will join the general public in queue.
Peel Living has also stated that they have not made any decision regarding any payments or considerations to the residents beyond the Residential Tenancy Act, which states that Peel Living pay tenants the amount of $3,000 upon notice of termination, plus a minimum of 12 months’ notice of termination.
For more information and updates, visit www.peelregion.ca/peelliving-twinpines.
Update January 25, 2017
KPMG will be holding an information session for the residents of Twin Pines on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at Summerville Pines Community Hall between 3-4 pm and 6-7 pm to review the report from the community meetings held in December which will be presented to the Peel Living Board on February 2nd. Please plan to attend and RSVP to [email protected] or call 905-791-7800 ext. 3607.
Updated December 27, 2016
2016 is almost over and there has been some small progress regarding the Twin Pines’ Redevelopment Project. Meetings were held by KPMG on December 3rd for the residents of Twin Pines and on December 12th for the neighbouring community, to provide input on seven topics: Affordable Housing and Housing Options, Transit and Mobility, Financial Return (short & long-term return on investment for Peel Living), Social Cohesion, Local Economic Impact, Environmental Sustainability and Age-Friendly Community.
Information from the 2012 Charrettes conducted by CIVIS was presented on posters and participants were invited to add their comments. Feedback from these sessions can continue to be submitted until January 9, 2017 either on feedback forms which were available at the meetings, on the Peel Living website at http://www.peelregion.ca/peelliving-twinpines, or by contacting the Project Manager, Denise Occhipinti at 905-791-7800 ext. 7658. The input from all stakeholders will be presented to the Peel Living Board on February 2, 2017.
There has been a change in the commitment made by the Peel Living Board in 2012 to offer residents of Twin Pines the option to remain in the future Twin Pines community. There has been a timeline added to the commitment, in that this will not apply to persons who become residents of the Twin Pines’ Community after January 6, 2018.
Also timelines have now been announced as follows:
Phase 1 – October 2016 – June 2017 – community consultations and approval by the Peel Living Board of a plan for the redevelopment of Twin Pines.
Phase 2 – Fall 2017 – Late 2018 – by the end of this phase, the Peel Living Board will approve a master plan that may include an agreement with a development partner(s), site plan and implementation schedule.
Phase 3 – late 2018 onwards – planning approvals, detailed designs and timelines, required permits and construction. Redevelopment could start in 2019.
As we receive further updates, they will be posted on this page.
Updated October 25, 2016
It has been some time since we have posted an update to this page on our website, mainly due to the fact that there has been no progress. The decision to select a new firm as consultant in the proposed redevelopment of our Park was not finalized until September 2016. The firm chosen was KPMG LLP and they, together with Denise Occhipinti, Project Manager for the Region of Peel, met with the Board of Directors of Cedar Grove Residents’ Community Corporation only recently to introduce themselves. To date a time schedule has not been drawn up, other than to say that stakeholder meetings (neighbourhood, business and residents of Twin Pines) are expected to take place over the Fall and Winter and a Master Plan Concept is slated to be presented to the Peel Living Board in June 2017.
With regard to the Peel Living Board, some drastic changes have occurred: Mwarigha, General Manager for Peel Living, is no longer with Peel, Janice Sheehy, Commissioner for Human Services will be taking his place and four of the community members of the Board of Peel Living have resigned. The Board is now made up of 6 Councillors.
We are hoping to receive an updated schedule from KPMG within the next few weeks, so please watch for further postings.
Updated April 20, 2016
The Board of Directors of Cedar Grove Residents’ Community Corporation continue to meet on a regular basis with Peel Living with regard to the proposed redevelopment of our Park. As per notification by Peel Living in February, planningAlliance is no longer working on the project and an invitation for proposal has been given to two firms, KPMG LLP and Ernst & Young LLP to continue with the planning process. It is thought that a choice between these two firms will be made at the Peel Living Board meeting in June. This change of firms has, of course, also changed the timelines given to Twin Pines previously. The community planning meetings, which were to take place over the past winter, will now likely take place this fall. Once the new company has been hired and settled in, Peel Living will be issuing a new schedule.
On another note, Lincoln Bryant, who has been the liaison for Twin Pines with regard to residents’ financial matters, will be moving to another position with the Region of Peel in approximately four weeks. His successor has not yet been chosen. We will miss him and wish him the best of luck!
Updated March 31, 2016
Recent events have taken place at the Peel Region/Peel Living (otherwise known as Peel Housing Corporation) level. A Shareholder Direction and Services Agreement between the Region of Peel and Peel Housing Corporation has been proposed and expected to be signed this coming June. Under this Agreement, Peel Region will be the final authority over the operations of Peel Living, including operational day to day support services, indebtedness, new officers or changing of by-laws relating to Peel Housing Corporation and most importantly over any redevelopment projects (Twin Pines undoubtedly being one of them).
In the interim, planningAlliance, the firm hired to assist in the creation of a Master Plan for Twin Pines, is no longer under contract and Peel Living is looking for another firm to continue their work. This has necessitated a change in the timelines previously given to our residents (see below). The Listening & Learning Report, prepared by planningAlliance and derived from information given by our residents during the Housing and Financial Needs Assessment Survey conducted in the summer of 2015, has not yet been finalized. This was to have been given to the Peel Living Board in October 2015.
The residents of Twin Pines have not yet been given a revised schedule/timeline and this will probably not be forthcoming until the engagement of the new firm. We will post any new information as soon as it is received from Peel Living.
Updated January 2016
Twin Pines is a community of 218 homes situated on 23 acres of land in the midst of the City of Mississauga. It’s located on the north side of Dundas Street between Hwy. 427 and Dixie Road and is fondly known as a ‘little bit of Country in the City’.
This enclave of safe and affordable housing is home to both young families and many others who have made this community their home for over 50 years. We share a deep sense of community spirit, with Pancake Breakfasts, Annual BBQ’s, Christmas parties, etc., forging strong social ties. Today our beautiful Park reflects our abiding love for our homes.
The land itself is owned by Peel Living (the property management and social housing division of the Region of Peel) and the residents lease their lots.
When Peel Living purchased the land in 1996, with the help of a $1,000,000 loan from the residents, a non profit corporation was formed by the residents of the Park, registered as Cedar Grove Residents’ Community Corporation. The purpose of the Corporation is to represent the interests of the residents in dealing with Peel Living and is headed by an elected 7-member Board of Directors. An Annual General Meeting is held every Fall, at which time a new slate of officers is elected, the audited financial statements are approved and any important issues are brought to the attention of Peel Living by the members.
In exchange for the $1,000,000 loan given to Peel Living by the residents to assist in the purchase of the Park, an agreement was entered into, which guaranteed security of tenure to the residents for 20 years. This agreement expires in November 2016, at which time Peel Living has indicated they wish to re-develop all or part of the Park to expand on their affordable housing portfolio. While there have been assurances from the Peel Living Board that no resident who wishes to remain in the Park will be evicted, as yet there is no indication as to the type of housing to be built, what will happen to those who still have mortgages on their homes, nor any proposal to compensate the residents for the loss of the investments they have made in their homes (which they own).
Peel Living has hired a firm, planningAlliance, to assist in the creation of a Master Plan for the area and we expect both the residents of Twin Pines and their immediate neighbours to have some input. To date the following timelines have been given:
Summer 2015 – Housing and Financial Needs Assessment Survey of the residents of Twin Pines, including focus groups, was completed in late August.
Autumn 2015 – The Listening & Learning Summary Report was presented to the Peel Living Board in October 2015.
Winter 2016 – Community Workshops with Twin Pines’ residents and surrounding community (neighbours and businesses) are to commence. These workshops are intended to produce a number of concept plans for the design of the future Twin Pines. From these draft concept plans a final Community Concept Plan will be formalized.
Summer 2016 – Presentation of Community Concept Plan to Peel Living Board for endorsement.
Summer 2016 – After endorsement by Peel Living Board the Plan will be submitted to the City of Mississauga for approval.
It is expected it will take approximately 3 years for approvals, after which time Peel Living can apply for building and development permits.
Year 2020 – Estimated start of phased construction
These timelines are an estimate and may shift based on factors such as Peel Living’s partnership with the City of Mississauga in planning this future community, the City of Mississauga’s Dundas Corridor Master Plan (Dundas Connects), and Metrolinx’s Dundas Street Bus Rapid Transit expansion.
Watch this site for further updates……….